Health officials issue new guidance for COVID, RSV and flu

(KRON) — High levels of flu, COVID and RSV cases are straining Bay Area healthcare systems.

Doctor Gabriel Ortiz with Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital said the hospital is well prepared but hopes people will do things to protect themselves this winter. “Cases are rising and it’s important that (if) we do get together this holiday season that we do so safely,” said Dr. Ortiz.

This week, health officials from all nine Bay Area counties issued new recommendations for people to stay healthy this winter as flu, COVID and RSV cases surge with the potential to overwhelm Bay Area hospitals. “Please, please it’s not too late to get your annual flu shot and your COVID-19 updated bivalent booster. Both are now available for anyone ages six months and up,” said Dr. Susan Philip, San Francisco health official.

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Dr. Ortiz said the best gift this year, is the gift of health. “Vaccinate yourself, wear masks, wash those hands, and if you feel sick stay home, seek out help and seek treatment early,” said Dr. Ortiz.

Dr. Ortiz said you should get treatment early if you are sick which can be done via virtual appointments to help keep space at the hospitals open.

By Percy